Z Zurich Foundation


Das Wichtigste in Kürze

The Z Zurich Foundation will support the Zurich business to use its resources – namely employee experience and expertise, as well as financial resources – to help communities understand and protect themselves from risk.

Zweck (SHAB)

Die Stiftung bezweckt, die finanzielle Unterstützung und Förderung gemeinnütziger Bestrebungen irgendwelcher Art, namentlich auf den Gebieten der Wissenschaft und Kultur, der Bildung, Erholung und Gesundheit, des Umweltschutzes, der Hilfe für Bed... mehr

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  1. Förderpolitik

    The Foundation’s funding supports three pillars of activity; our global program, our local programs, and encouraging employee engagement. Within these pillars, we focus our efforts on three key areas of need. We do the following: __ Flood Resilience __ Mental and physical wellbeing __ Youth empowerment In all our activities, we adhere to seven guiding principles: __ We support effective solutions that address social or environmental issues and have a meaningful, positive impact in communities where we are present. __ We take a strategic, long-term approach to social engagement and clearly define the impact we want to have, the issues we wish to address, and the communities on which we want to focus. __ We work with organizations in the non-profit, public and private sectors to achieve greater impact beyond that which each participant could achieve individually. __ We make it possible for Zurich employees to participate in community work and involve them in the design, funding and governance of local community programs, while encouraging them to volunteer. __ We do not limit our contributions to cash, but also offer the time, skills and expertise of Zurich employees. __ We commit dedicated, skilled people to ensure sustainability and appropriate management. __ We set objectives and monitor and evaluate performance against these indicators to ensure that we continue to improve in the areas we support. We are accountable to our stakeholders and report on our activities in a clear, transparent way.


  • office@stiftungschweiz.ch
  • https://stiftungschweiz.ch/
  • SwissFoundations
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Daten gemäss SHAB.

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  • PDF
    SHAB Eintrag 14. November 2024
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    SHAB Eintrag 23. August 2024
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    SHAB Eintrag 27. März 2024
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