UBS Optimus Foundation

Grant-giving foundation

The Most Important in Brief

Together we can make a difference – with your passion and our expertise. We know that one of the most effective strategies for economic growth is investing in the developmental growth of at-risk young children. It's by making these children educate... show more

Purpose (SOGC)

Die Stiftung hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, das Wohlergehen vulnerabler Bevölkerungsgruppen weltweit zu verbessern, und zwar durch Massnahmen in den Bereichen Gesundheitswesen, Bildung, Umweltschutz und Chancengerechtigkeit, die eine dauerhafte positive... show more

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  1. Funding Policy

    We pursue social impact in a variety of ways, from traditional charitable giving to sustainable investing. At the UBS Optimus Foundation we are specifically focused on social returns – in particular, social outcomes that benefit vulnerable children. We can help improve the impact of giving by being strategic about where it is focused.

Funding History


The Freedom Fund

A fight for freedom - The Freedom Fund partners with frontline organizations to combat slavery directly in defined regions with a high concentration of slavery. They do this by setting up "hotspot" programs – clusters of the most effective community-based organizations in these regions. Partnering with these organizations in some of the world's poorest and most marginalized communities is difficult, demanding, and time intensive. But it is also one of the most effective ways to achieve large-scale and sustainable change.

Challenging Heights

Some things should not be for sale - Challenging Heights is a Ghanaian grassroots NGO working to prevent child trafficking, reduce child slavery, and promote children's rights. James Kofi Annan, who was a child slave on Lake Volta from age six to 13, fought to get an education and became a banker before giving it up to return to his community and fight slavery. Over twelve years, Challenging Heights has successfully rescued and supported 1,600 victims of slavery in the fishing industry on Lake Volta.

Second Chance

Back to school for good - 250 million children globally are illiterate and innumerate, of which 130 million are in school and not learning. Second Chance develops best-in-class education innovations and drives system change working with children in greatest need to help them learn and thrive.
Illness is universal. Healthcare is not. - Last Mile Health (LMH) was founded in 2007 to bring a health worker to every Liberian who lives too far from the nearest health center. LMH has 180 employees, of whom over 90% are African. Focusing implementation primarily in remote villages that are often deemed inaccessible by other agencies, LMH trains community members to become professionalized CHWs, manages and supports them, and makes sure they have the supplies they need.


Maternal and newborn health - The new UBS Optimus Foundation Maternal and Newborn Health DIB is focused on improving healthcare in Rajasthan, which has one of the highest mortality rates for mothers and babies of any state in India. It'll support government efforts to reduce such deaths by improving access to, and the quality of care in, up to 440 private facilities. It's expected up to 600,000 pregnant women will be reached with improved care saving thousands of lives.

Area of Impact

  • +41 61 278 93 83
  • SwissFoundations
  • ProFonds
SOGC data

Data according to SOGC.

  • PDF
    SOGC entry December 20, 2024
  • PDF
    SOGC entry December 17, 2024
  • PDF
    SOGC entry September 26, 2024
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Last updated on

July 7, 2024