Lindt Cocoa Foundation

Grant-giving foundation

The Most Important in Brief

The Lindt Cocoa Foundation was founded in 2013 and has the declared purpose of working to achieve social and ecological sustainability in the cultivation, production and processing of cocoa and other raw materials used in chocolate production.

Purpose (SOGC)

Der Zweck der Stiftung besteht im Engagement für die soziale und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit des Anbaus, der Gewinnung sowie der Produktion und Verarbeitung von Cocoa sowie anderen im Zusammenhang mit der Schokoladeherstellung stehenden Rohmateriali... show more

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  1. Funding Policy

    The Lindt Cocoa Foundation supplements the already existing endeavors of the Lindt & Sprüngli Group designed to improve the living and working conditions of farmers in the countries of origin of the raw materials. Its projects ensure that raw material procurement is done in a way which works more effectively towards sustainable agricultural development.

    The mission is to foster sustainable agriculture in developing and emerging regions through the support of innovative projects that aim at enabling farmers to improve their practices in the cultivation, production and processing of raw materials used in chocolate.

    In order to reach the mission, the foundation focuses on the following areas:

    • Support projects that aim at creating the motivation, capabilities and capacity of farmers to improve their farming practices
    • Support projects that aim at fostering an enabling environment and removing constraints farmers face to improve their practices
    • Support research projects that aim at increasing the understanding about the farmers and their environment in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of projects

Funding History



Sustainable Fine Flavor Cocoa Program Dominican Republic - The Program will contribute to enhance the income of 985small and medium farmers and their families through increasing the productivity of the farms of beneficiary pro-ducers. The outcome envisioned from improving the physiological condition of the farms is an increase in pro-duction. At the same time, the Program will promote and develop severalactivitiesassociatedwithimproving the livingconditionsofinhabitantsofthecommunitiesat large. It will encourage savings and develop initiatives to generate alternate income which, in addition to increas-ing the productivity of cocoa, shall contribute to enhance thelivingconditionsandfoodsafetyofthefamiliesin these communities.
Sustainable Fine Flavor Cocoa Program Papua New Guinea - This second pilot year of the projectaims at implement-ing a traceable and sustainable cocoa bean supply chain for cocoa beansfrom Papua New Guinea. 2’500 fine flavor cocoa farmers are organized in farmergroups of approx. 25 farmers around fermentary owners and trained by extension officers in good agricultural, envi-ronmental and social practices with particular focus on productivity, including the use of inputs and improvedplanting material. In training sessions, the farmers will for example be trained on harvesting, conservation of natural resources, integrated pest and disease manage-ment or social topics like responsible labor practicesand gender based violence
Inclusive Partnerships and Innovation Platforms for Sustainable Tree Crops - This multi-year research project is an innovative combination of value chain and livelihood trajectory analysis, action research in learning platforms, and a landscape approach. It seeks to broaden the innovation space in value chain collaborations and enhance their capacity to provide food secure, equitable and sustainable solutions for smallholders.
Training for Agricultural Finance Professionals - Five staff members of the Farmers Support Com-pany, the leading microfinance institution set up by the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in December 2013, have been trained in agricultural value chain financing. The results of this initial training not only builds both staff and institutional capacity, but also pioneers a microfinance lending model that will serve the needs of local farmers by filling a vital gap to access financing options.
Researching the potential and actual impact of increased cocoa production on the labor market and child labor - The research study of the International Cocoa Initiative aims at unveiling the interlinkages between productivity gains of cocoa farmers, labor availability and demand; and child labor risks in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire (project finished).
SOGC data

Data according to SOGC.

  • PDF
    SOGC entry March 3, 2025
  • PDF
    SOGC entry October 16, 2024
  • PDF
    SOGC entry May 14, 2024
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Last updated on

April 23, 2024